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Snow Supermoon mosaic, 14.4 days 99.8%  

Full moon mosaic.
What is a Supermoon

As the Moon orbits Earth, it goes through phases, which are determined by its position relative to Earth and the Sun. When the Moon lines up on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun, we see a full moon. The new moon phase occurs when the Moon and the Sun are lined up on the same side of Earth.

Full moons can occur at any point along the Moon's elliptical path, but when a full moon occurs at or near the perigee, it looks slightly larger and brighter than when at the apogee. That's what the term "supermoon" refers to.

The Snow moon is traditionally referred as the second full moon of the year, that is, the full moon of february.

Supermoon is not an official astronomical term, there is no definition about just how close to perigee the full moon has to be in order to be called "super." Generally, supermoon is used to refer to a full moon 90 percent or closer to perigee.
Technical details:  
Valdemorillo - Spain
09/02/2020 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Vixen 102M f/9.8
No reducer
Astronomik IR Pro 742nm
Orion Atlas EQG
DMK 21AU618
17 x 2000 frames @ 30fps
Guiding tube:  
No guiding
Guiding camera:  
No guide camera
Guiding software:  
No guide software
Las anotaciones presentan dudas sobre el tipo de filtro utilizado.  


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